More students live at home
More than 328,000 students in the UK live at home to cut costs.
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Many students choose to move from their families while studying. But something has changed in the United Kingdom. More and more students are sacrificing that freedom.
Recent Hesa figures show that more than 328,000 students in the United Kingdom chose to live in the family home last year, according to The Independent. Approximately 2,2 million British students live in the UK. Students living with their families amount to 6 percent of the total student population.
According to Homelet.com, monthly rent in London is now at £1,508 (15 637 NOK).
The high rent stops many students from moving from the family.
— Most of my friends are lucky enough to live in London, but unfortunately I just can’t afford it. It’s such a shame because when they want to go to the pub after university I usually have to say no because I have to tutor and drive home from the station, says Alice (22) from Kent to The Independent.
13 percent of Norwegian students live at home, according to Universitas, the student newspaper.
The number have doubled since 2007, shows SSBs report. Approximately 280 000 students live in Norway. Which means that more Norwegian students live with their families than British students.
Illustration photo: Skjalg Bøhmer Vold
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